On September 25, 2002, 9 sisters came together and founded the Alpha Chapter of Chi Sigma Alpha at the University of Washington. They established Chi Sigma Alpha in view of the fact that there was a need for diversity in the Greek system for women at the University of Washington. These 9 strong women dedicated themselves to creating an organization with the purpose of setting newer and higher standards of excellence for Asian-American interest sororities locally and nationally.
We are currently the fastest and strongest-growing sorority at the University of Washington. This has been achieved by the dedication and passion of every member along with the support system established by our sisterhood.

Passion and Strength

Self-Sacrifice and Sincerity
Love, Beauty, Wisdom, Refinement, and Thoughtfulness
Royalty, Perseverance, and strength
First Chi Sigma Alpha meeting
JULY 6, 2002
Chi Sigma Alpha is established
SEPTEMBER 25, 2002